Our team of specialists is highly skilled in handling Lifeboat and Davit systems, providing comprehensive services that comply with the latest IMO MSC. 1206 / 1277 regulations. This includes conducting annual inspections and performing 5-year maintenance tasks. Our expertise covers a wide range of tasks, such as repairing structural fiberglass hull damage, conducting load testing, servicing and installing on-load release gears for lifting hooks, replacing wire falls, overhauling winch and brake systems, complete boat painting, performing engine overhauls, maintaining propulsion and steering mechanisms, servicing sheaves and blocks, and completing all associated works.
We take pride in our certified engineers and technicians who ensure that our services meet our clients' rigorous requirements. To go above and beyond accepted standards, we conduct necessary testing and obtain certifications to meet the requirements of Classification Societies, as well as those outlined by SOLAS and the International Maritime Organization.